What is the Difference between Digital PCR (dPCR) and Real-Time PCR (qPCR)?

calendar_today 14 March, 2023 person_outline Growth Plus Reports


The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a key biochemical method for exponentially multiplying target sequences from a DNA template. Since large amounts of DNA are required for molecular and genetic analysis, PCR is a quick and affordable method for "amplifying" and duplicating tiny portions of DNA. PCR is utilized in a wide range of biological and medical applications, including molecular biology research, medical diagnostics, and even certain aspects of ecology. Digital PCR (dPCR) and real-time PCR (qPCR) both deliver accurate and efficient detection and exact quantification of nucleic acids. These methods share commonalities but have distinctions that make either of them the better fit for particular applications.

What is the difference between real-time PCR (qPCR) and digital PCR (dPCR)?

Real-time PCR, also known as quantitative PCR, is a well-known method that has emerged as the preferred method for rapidly and accurately quantifying nucleic acid in various biological specimens. The quantity of DNA throughout a PCR reaction is measured using qPCR. The variation in the intensity of a fluorescent signal measures the growth in DNA quantity at every phase. The amount of original copies of DNA template within that reaction is determined by comparison towards a sample material.

Digital PCR is an extremely accurate method for detecting and quantifying sensitive nucleic acids. Every specimen is split into thousands of separate reactions. Upon final PCR cycles, every fraction is examined to determine the existence or lack of a fluorescent signal, and the total amount of molecules in the specimen is calculated. In quantifying, dPCR need not necessitate a standard curve.

What are the uses of real-time PCR (qPCR) and digital PCR (dPCR)?

The digital PCR (dPCR) and real-time PCR (qPCR) market has several applications such as Mutation/SNP Detection, Genome Edit Detection, Copy Number Variation, Standards Validation, NGS Validation, Haplotyping, Microarray Validation, siRNA, miRNA, lncRNA Detection, Environmental Studies, Pathogen Detection, and Gene Expression.

What are the prospects for the Digital PCR (dPCR) and Real-Time PCR (qPCR) Market?

The market for Digital PCR (dPCR) and Real-Time PCR (qPCR) is projected to exceed $58.30 billion by 2030 at a 6.0% CAGR, indicating a bright future for the sector. The primary factors fueling the market's revenue growth will be technological advancements and increased demand for PCR due to the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and viruses. In the coming years, we can expect more advanced, better, more accurate, and faster PCR systems and kits.

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