NIAID Awards more than $12 Mn for the Development of Antiviral Therapies

calendar_today 16 December, 2022 person_outline Growth Plus Reports

Viruses are exceptionally small infectious organisms. They are composed of genetic component, such as DNA or RNA, which is encased in a protein sheath. Body's cells are invaded by viruses, which utilize the cells' components to aid in their multiplication. Infected cells are damaged or destroyed during this process. Any disease or condition brought on by a virus is referred to as a viral disease. Some of the more common viruses are Meningitis (there is also bacterial meningitis), Pneumonia (there is also bacterial pneumonia), Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Influenza (the flu), HIV which can lead to AIDS and Herpes, etc.

Flu antiviral medications are a class of prescription drugs (tablet, solution, powder for inhalation, or intravenous solution) that fight flu viruses in the body. Antiviral medications are not available over the counter. They are only available with a prescription from a medical professional. Drugs that treat viral infections differ from antibiotics, which treat bacterial illnesses. Antiviral medications for the flu only combat the virus. Antiviral medications used to treat the flu are distinct from those used to treat other infectious disorders like COVID-19. Antiviral medications that are recommended for COVID-19 do not treat the other common flu.

The need for antiviral drugs is being driven by the increase in viral infections worldwide. In addition, it is projected that a rise in R&D initiatives and the creation of more advanced formulations, such as vaccines and combination medicines, will encourage market expansion. Furthermore, the development of broad-spectrum antibiotics and the growth possibilities in the expanding economies of the Asia Pacific and LAMEA regions are projected to create several opportunities for market expansion throughout the forecast period. However, industry expansion is being constrained by the high cost of drug research and the growing popularity of complementary therapies like naturopathy and homeopathy.

The antiviral drugs market is expected to grow as demand for antiviral medications is rising due to the growing prevalence of viral illnesses including Herpes, Influenza, HIV, and others. According to UNAIDS, nearly, 37 million people worldwide were living with HIV in 2020. 1.5 million of these individuals were likely to have contracted HIV. Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has also greatly boosted the market growth in 2021; however, other antiviral drug applications have seen a negative impact because of the pandemic. In June 2022, the World health organization stated that around 1.5 million new cases of the hepatitis C virus are reported each year, with an estimated 58 million people worldwide carrying the infection. According to estimates, 3.2 million children and adolescents have chronic hepatitis C infection. More than 95% of people with hepatitis C can be cured with antiviral medications, but diagnosis and treatment are not widely available for the same.

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